Monday, November 8, 2010

More inspiration from Anselm Kiefer - Louisiana Workshop

Filled with inspiration from Anselm Kiefer's paintings we went back to the workshop and began "painting". We used the materials and techniques as Kiefer does. We started with paint and added ashes, chalk, straw, and sunflower seeds to our canvas'. We skipped the lead (Kiefer uses a lot of lead) as it's poisonous to humans. I felt very free and expressive with these techniques and quickly dropped the palette knife and finished the painting just using my hands.  At first glance his paintings made me feel depressed and I only thought about how heavy they were. After a closer look and learning more about him and his art his paintings are not just heavy, but light as well and not only symbolize death, but also rebirth. Kiefer is known to use poetry, written words, number classification and constellations in his work. Looking forward to the workshop tomorrow night. We will be inspired by Kiefer's landscape paintings.

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